Thursday, December 16, 2010

Grow Room Work Day

We had a little work day in the grow room last weekend.  We harvested all of the fennel and basil from the PowerGrower.  Made some great pesto and a fennel au gratin that was out of this world.  Thanks !  Great recipe site for those inclined to exercise their culinary skills.

Cleaning and grow room work included:  Complete wash down of the PowerGrower water tank and three PowerGrower Modules and AeroFlo36 rails; disposal of old STG growing medium; trimming all excess veg from the cherry tomato plants (a weekly process); transplanting Roma Tomatoes from the AeroFlow36 to the Ebb and Gro system - update in video to follow; water changes on all grow systems (glad I have the primary and secondary water barrels) with nutrient changes; Hydroton preparation for new basil plant transplants; transplanting Grow 4 seedlings to the AeroFlo36; Grow 5 Rockwool cube prep.

Seems like a lot of work, but it only took about 4 hours.  Not bad.  The design of the grow room and the water barrel strategy really helped.  Remember that the R.O. system filters water into a "primary" 55 gallon barrel.  From there, I transfer water to a "secondary" barrel where I adjust pH and mix nutrients to the correct ppm.  From the secondary, I pump the solution to the grow system.  While I work with the "secondary" water, the primary fills back up with R.O. water through the Merlin R.O. system.  With this many systems, having a continuous output R.O. system is a must.

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