Friday, March 18, 2011

Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, and Blackberries

The Rion Prestige "Berry House" is in production.  We have 26 strawberry plants, 6 blueberry plants (3 varieties for better pollination), 5 raspberry and 5 blackberry plants.

When we planted the strawberries on Tuesday there were no leaves on any of the plants, just roots and sticks (old runners).  We now have leaves (yes, plural) on every plant.  We are very happy to see this.  We are using a different nutrient manufacturer (General Hydroponics) than we used in the indoor grow room (Canna) to give something new a try.  We still remain pleased with Canna too, a little expensive, but great results.

We know that the rasp, blue, and blackberries may outgrow the space we have them in now but with a second greenhouse under construction, we will have plenty of room to expand.  There is very little to no information on  growing these plants hydroponically so we are wandering in the dark.  We are following basic berry growing principles of each of these types of berries so we will see how we do.


  1. Great greenhouse! Watch the strawberries carefully if the eb and flow gets the crowns too wet they may struggle. How are you going to keep the berries off the hydroton? Can't wait to see the other berry plants get going.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hi the video looks interesting. can u show ur current situation, thanx
